Inhaling the aroma of Patchouli essential oil or absorbing the essential oil through the skin is thought to transmit messages to the brain region (hypothalamus) that is involved in controlling emotions and behaviours. This includes body temperature, hunger, important aspects of parenting and behaviours, thirst, fatigue and sleep . Known as the limbic system, this brain region also influences the nervous system.
Patchouli oil may deodorize body odours, soothe inflammation, fight water retention, break up cellulite, facilitate faster healing of wounds by stimulating the growth of new skin.
In aromatherapy this oil is beneficial for relieving stress, anxiety and depression as well as controlling appetites. If you love the smell of Patchouli try our Patchouli Myrtle Body Bar or Patchouli Myrtle Oil Perfume to assist with mental relaxation. This is a musky like smell and is commonly used in massage treatments to relax the mind and body.
Please remember that anything discussed here does not constitute medical advice and cannot substitute for appropriate medical care. No therapeutic claim is made or intended for any of Whitsunday Myrtle products; information is for educational purposes only. If irritation occurs, discontinue use. Consult with your healthcare provider at all times.